Saturday, November 24, 2007

Volunteering 101 - You can and are needed!!!!

For those of you who are fearful of volunteering or maybe feel that you have little to contribute, I’d like to share with you a true story, that just happened last week. It is a story about the power of ONE.

My mother, Lula Madge, is a 5’3” pistol. She’s 75 years old and just recently, this summer widowed. My stepdad had diabetes, colon cancer (twice),Alzheimer’s and heart problems and his health had been on the downslide for at least 10 years. Since his death in June, my mom had been staying busy taking care of their affairs and putting her life on track as a single woman living alone for the first time in her life.

Last week she called me and asked where she could get information about NAMI. My mother does not own a computer and knows nothing about the internet. So I gave her the closest NAMI affiliate in her area, Carthage, TX – NAMI Longview. Paula Hendrix is a wonderful woman and a VFT teacher and I knew she would take good care of my mom. Frankly I wasn’t sure why my mom needed any info but it was a busy day, so I didn’t question her about it.

The next thing I know, I get an email from Paula telling me she had talked to my mom and she was getting calls that stated they had heard that she was the place to get information!!! Putting two and two together always gives me Lula Madge so I called her.

After talking to Paula it seems, my mother had received a large packet of NAMI brochures which she promptly took to the local Carthage library. Lula Madge explained that this was vital information about mental illness that Panola County needed and she would appreciate if they would keep it on hand and make it available to the public. She also gave them a copy of Chicken Soup – Children with Special Needs. I was very pleased to hear this, but there is more.

In the Panola County area, is a little radio show called “Swap and Shop” where the local folk can call in and advertise items they have for sale and request items they need to buy. Last week, Lula Madge called “Swap and Shop” and announced that she had a Public Service Announcement. She said – “Listen up all you grandparents, parents, and aunts and uncles. Mental illness is something we all need to know about, especially how it affects our youngsters. There is plenty of information now at the Carthage library and if you need more information, here is who you call.” She then proceeded to give out the name and number for NAMI Longview.

This happened just a week ago. The library is almost out of brochures and pamphlets and Paula emailed me yesterday to tell me that she has received several phone calls that have told her they got her name and phone number form the radio.

I would estimate that the total time invested by my mother, with phone calls to Paula, to the radio and a trip to the library is around two hours. This is just one example of how you can make a difference in your community and for NAMI. Every effort, every phone call and every action to support NAMI is important and counts. And you may never know how many people you help or how many lives you touch, but you do make a difference. Please do not hesitate to volunteer and to act when your heart speaks to you.
And I would like to thank you in advance for all you do and for all you will do.
Thank you.


Resolve It Now said...

I have subscribed to your blog so I don't miss anything new. I expect you will bring hope to many with this thoughtful blog.

Lee Burns

Celtwolfe said...

Lee, Thank you so much for your support. You do so much for NAMI and all our members. I look forward to exchanging ideas with you and everyone who comes here to share.