Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Party Heartfelt

I had a surprise birthday party. The biggest surprise was how well it went. No, I’m just kidding.

My husband, who already does so much for his family, planned, cleaned the house, ordered food, picked up the food, invited the guest, and made sure I had a great day away from the house while he was working like a dog.

The party was wonderful. The biggest surprise was how many people we could fit in our house.

Actually, what was wonderful was knowing that these people had come together to honor me. As I was surrounded by friends and family, I realized just how blessed I am and I was a bit ashamed at how I hadn’t really been counting my blessings lately.

It had been a hard week just prior to my party. Josh had to be taken to the ER – he had been passing out and there was no explanation for it.

Caiti was cycling with her illness and it had been one manic ride for 7 straight days.
And boo hoo, this was my birthday week and why couldn’t anything go my way? You’ve had pity parties like that, haven’t you?

But to replace that party of ill gains was one of love and blessings. There were so many different types of people – old people, young people, married people, single people, all come together to wish me well.

Remember when I wrote earlier about how I think of myself as a wolf? For someone who thinks of herself as a lone wolf, this was quite a surprise. And a very special gift. For I realize I have one hell of a pack. People who are there rooting for me and in my corner and who I can count on. What else can I say about it – I am truly blessed.

Thank you to my husband. Thank you to my children. Thank you to my mom and extended family. Thank you to my friends.


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